At the following page you can take a look at the generated code, the code is based on this TypeAPI specification. This is only a demo to give you a first insight, for live examples feel free to login at the backend and use the live generator.
* Client automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException;
use Sdkgen\Client\ClientAbstract;
use Sdkgen\Client\Credentials;
use Sdkgen\Client\CredentialsInterface;
use Sdkgen\Client\Exception\ClientException;
use Sdkgen\Client\Exception\UnknownStatusCodeException;
use Sdkgen\Client\TokenStoreInterface;
class Client extends ClientAbstract
public function test(): TestTag
return new TestTag(
public static function build(CredentialsInterface $credentials): self
return new self('', $credentials);
* Error automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
class Error implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
protected ?bool $success = null;
protected ?string $message = null;
public function setSuccess(?bool $success) : void
$this->success = $success;
public function getSuccess() : ?bool
return $this->success;
public function setMessage(?string $message) : void
$this->message = $message;
public function getMessage() : ?string
return $this->message;
public function toRecord() : \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
/** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
$record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
$record->put('success', $this->success);
$record->put('message', $this->message);
return $record;
public function jsonSerialize() : object
return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();
* ErrorException automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
use Sdkgen\Client\Exception\KnownStatusCodeException;
class ErrorException extends KnownStatusCodeException
private Error $payload;
public function __construct(Error $payload)
parent::__construct('The server returned an error');
$this->payload = $payload;
* @return Error
public function getPayload(): Error
return $this->payload;
* HelloWorld automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
class HelloWorld implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
protected ?string $message = null;
public function setMessage(?string $message) : void
$this->message = $message;
public function getMessage() : ?string
return $this->message;
public function toRecord() : \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
/** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
$record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
$record->put('message', $this->message);
return $record;
public function jsonSerialize() : object
return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();
* Response automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
class Response implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
protected ?bool $success = null;
protected ?string $message = null;
public function setSuccess(?bool $success) : void
$this->success = $success;
public function getSuccess() : ?bool
return $this->success;
public function setMessage(?string $message) : void
$this->message = $message;
public function getMessage() : ?string
return $this->message;
public function toRecord() : \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
/** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
$record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
$record->put('success', $this->success);
$record->put('message', $this->message);
return $record;
public function jsonSerialize() : object
return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();
* TestTag automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException;
use Sdkgen\Client\Exception\ClientException;
use Sdkgen\Client\Exception\UnknownStatusCodeException;
use Sdkgen\Client\TagAbstract;
class TestTag extends TagAbstract
* Returns a hello world message
* @return HelloWorld
* @throws ClientException
public function getHello(): HelloWorld
$url = $this->parser->url('/hello/world', [
$options = [
'query' => $this->parser->query([
], [
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->request('GET', $url, $options);
$data = (string) $response->getBody();
return $this->parser->parse($data, HelloWorld::class);
} catch (ClientException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (BadResponseException $e) {
$data = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody();
switch ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) {
throw new UnknownStatusCodeException('The server returned an unknown status code');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ClientException('An unknown error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage());
* Returns available todo entries
* @param int|null $startIndex
* @param int|null $count
* @return Todos
* @throws ClientException
public function getEntries(?int $startIndex = null, ?int $count = null): Todos
$url = $this->parser->url('/todo', [
$options = [
'query' => $this->parser->query([
'startIndex' => $startIndex,
'count' => $count,
], [
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->request('GET', $url, $options);
$data = (string) $response->getBody();
return $this->parser->parse($data, Todos::class);
} catch (ClientException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (BadResponseException $e) {
$data = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody();
switch ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) {
throw new UnknownStatusCodeException('The server returned an unknown status code');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ClientException('An unknown error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage());
* Inserts a new todo entry
* @param Todo $payload
* @return Response
* @throws ClientException
public function insert(Todo $payload): Response
$url = $this->parser->url('/todo', [
$options = [
'query' => $this->parser->query([
], [
'json' => $payload
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->request('POST', $url, $options);
$data = (string) $response->getBody();
return $this->parser->parse($data, Response::class);
} catch (ClientException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (BadResponseException $e) {
$data = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody();
switch ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) {
throw new UnknownStatusCodeException('The server returned an unknown status code');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ClientException('An unknown error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage());
* Returns a hello world message
* @return HelloWorld
* @throws ErrorException
* @throws ClientException
public function throwException(): HelloWorld
$url = $this->parser->url('/exception', [
$options = [
'query' => $this->parser->query([
], [
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->request('GET', $url, $options);
$data = (string) $response->getBody();
return $this->parser->parse($data, HelloWorld::class);
} catch (ClientException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (BadResponseException $e) {
$data = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody();
switch ($e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) {
case 500:
throw new ErrorException($this->parser->parse($data, Error::class));
throw new UnknownStatusCodeException('The server returned an unknown status code');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ClientException('An unknown error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage());
* Todo automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
class Todo implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
protected ?string $title = null;
public function setTitle(?string $title) : void
$this->title = $title;
public function getTitle() : ?string
return $this->title;
public function toRecord() : \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
/** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
$record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
$record->put('title', $this->title);
return $record;
public function jsonSerialize() : object
return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();
* Todos automatically generated by SDKgen please do not edit this file manually
* @see
namespace SDK;
class Todos implements \JsonSerializable, \PSX\Record\RecordableInterface
protected ?int $totalResults = null;
protected ?int $startIndex = null;
protected ?int $itemsPerPage = null;
* @var array<Todo>|null
protected ?array $entry = null;
public function setTotalResults(?int $totalResults) : void
$this->totalResults = $totalResults;
public function getTotalResults() : ?int
return $this->totalResults;
public function setStartIndex(?int $startIndex) : void
$this->startIndex = $startIndex;
public function getStartIndex() : ?int
return $this->startIndex;
public function setItemsPerPage(?int $itemsPerPage) : void
$this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage;
public function getItemsPerPage() : ?int
return $this->itemsPerPage;
* @param array<Todo>|null $entry
public function setEntry(?array $entry) : void
$this->entry = $entry;
* @return array<Todo>|null
public function getEntry() : ?array
return $this->entry;
public function toRecord() : \PSX\Record\RecordInterface
/** @var \PSX\Record\Record<mixed> $record */
$record = new \PSX\Record\Record();
$record->put('totalResults', $this->totalResults);
$record->put('startIndex', $this->startIndex);
$record->put('itemsPerPage', $this->itemsPerPage);
$record->put('entry', $this->entry);
return $record;
public function jsonSerialize() : object
return (object) $this->toRecord()->getAll();